Ages 3+
An opportunity for children to have fun, create art, enjoy nature, and learn about Honey the pony.
1-1.5 hour sessions include:
Grooming & decorating a pony
Pony handling skills
A led ride on one of our ponies*
Pony themed art/craft
Individual sessions: $88 per child (1-1.5 hours) inc. GST
Minimum 1 child, maximum 4 children per session
Discounts available for small groups
* Child must weigh 35kg or less to ride a pony
Sessions are offered on a regular basis. Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for the next available session.
Please scroll down for info about Ponywise classes.
A 4 week horse-personship program for horse mad kids aged 6+
This is a pre-riding program teaching ground-based horse-personship skills, along with opportunities for children to explore and respond to their feelings.
​Sessions include:
Basic horsepersonship skills - catching, haltering, leading etc.
Basic pony care - feeding, grooming, first aid etc.
Pony communication, body language, and positive reinforcement.
Self-regulation and self-management skills (calm children = calm and safe ponies, so children will learn how to notice and respond to their feelings before working with our pony).
A led ride on Honey or one of our horses.
Individual sessions: $88 per child, per session (4 sessions) inc. GST
Maximum 2 children per session
New sessions commence on a regular basis on weekdays (daytime and after school sessions available) and Saturdays.